Sunday, April 5, 2009

2 Day in a row!

No the world is not coming to an end - I really am updating my blog two days in a row. Had a great time with my nieces yesterday they are so funny and love their Aunt Jennifer. I always worry about that since I live so far away from them and don't get to see them but every 4-6 months if I am lucky. But I call alot and talk to them so I think that helps. Molly is getting ready to be 4 this week so I get to spend her birthday with her and then her sister Carly Beth is close to 2. They are so fun to be around when they are this age and don't turn in to the surly 17 year old that I have now. :-)

They are down here to go to the Masters with us. I got 4 tickets to the practice round on Tuesday so the "grown ups" are going while my teenagers watch the young ones. yea.. we are looking forward to it.

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