Okay so I have been told in order to have this blog I need to actually blog.. so here goes boy will you guys be sorry.
I have decided after being asked a question about my faith and why I believe the way I do and my answer being "Because that's what my Dad told me" that maybe being almost 37 (this Friday) that it was time I found out for myself. So with some very good advice from a dear friend, an Aunt and my father I have a place to start in the Bible and I have a new mission. One that I am sure is bound to bring lots of questions so I hope the 3 that gave me a place to start have answers. HAHA
As for the home front.. things are good we have 2 months until Craig comes home and for some reason this has just been a hard deployment. We dealt with for the first time being gone for the Holidays, and not to mention the usual run of the mill stuff around the house that has to break etc. I always thought that these cruises would be easier when the kids got older. WRONG! It just brings new worries but I thank god every day for the 3 wonderful children I have and my loving husband who puts up with my "little quirks".
Okay well hope this works for now as it is late and I have more sewing to do..
8 years ago